My sister had her baby Christened over May Day weekend, the weather was awful and the marquee in my mums grounds was freezing cold, everyone ended up in my mums bungalow... but the weather is typical of this year I guess, I read in the paper today Whitsun Bank Holiday weekend and half term are going to be washouts too.... when are we going to get some nice sunny weather?
Anyway, I used Basic Grey Papers for this card and another Digital image from Mo's Digital Pencil, these images are all gorgeous and you can normally find something for the occasion you are making the card for. Must admit my niece does not have pointy ears in real life.... lol
And a little gift bag I made for the gift, I even managed to make a rose to go on the bag, no mean feat for me as I just dont seem to be able to make these roses very well....

And because I am so pleased with my rose I thought I would show you a close up of it.... this is made using Rose Red Cardstock.... doesn't it look good on the bag? Right off to be productive I hope, have a great weekend all xx
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