Order Form/Wishlist

I am offering a Wish List Service, fill in one of my forms (just click on the Order Form link above the post) and put in the box at the bottom that this is your wishlist and then let your friends and family know that you have submitted a wishlist with me. Once they contact me we can sort out via phone or e-mail however they prefer, exactly what items they would like to buy you for your birthday or Christmas. I will then giftwrap them nicely for you with a handmade gift tag and all they will have to do is sign the tag and place your gift under the tree... I will then remove those items from your wishlist so the next person doesn't duplicate your goodies... Happy Friends and Relatives and your gift is so easy to buy and happy you on Christmas Day when you get the Stash you really wanted.
Have a good weekend everyone x

2 amazing people have contributed:

Lynne.W said...

Hi Linda, just pooping by to give you an award!! See here http://lynnes-pad.blogspot.com/

Lynne.W said...

Hi Linda, just pooping by to give you an award!! See here http://lynnes-pad.blogspot.com/